Riser Pipe Replacement | Riser Pipe Replacement – 04 tier domestic water lines replaced | 2022 |
WATER LINE Replacement | 01 kitchen tier domestic water lines | 2022 |
WATER LINE Replacement | 03 kitchen tier domestic water lines | 2022 |
Riser Pipe Replacement | 7th / 10th tier domestic water lines replaced | 2022 |
Water Softener Installation | Water softeners were installed to remove the hardness from the city water | 2021 |
Riser Pipe Replacement | 11th tier domestic water lines replaced | 2021 |
Basement Floor Refinishing | The basement floors were sanded down to expose the concrete then sealed with a clear coat | 2020 |
Riser Pipe Replacement | 12th tier domestic water riser lines replaced | 2020 |
Riser Pipe Replacement | 09 tier domestic water riser lines replaced | 2019 |
Domestic Basement Pipe Replacement | All horizontal domestic water pipe lines in the Bader basement replaced | 2018 |
Boiler and hot water heater replacement | Two domestic hot water heaters and two Camus boilers, which provide heating for the building were replaced | 2017 |
LED Lighting Retrofit | Common area fixture repair and replacement, LED lighting installed | 2016 |
Facade Restoration | Repointed, recaulked, replaced damaged brick, sealed cement | 2016 |
Solar Panel Addition | Solar panels added to roof to augment water heaters | 2015 |
Chiller Replacement | New chiller installed, upgrades in associated plumbing, related electrical work, removal of old plumbing and air handling equipment | 2013 |
Common Area Redecoration | Unit front doors replaced with fire rated doors, door hardware replaced, hall, lobby, and stairwell lighting replaced, halls and lobby painted, hall carpeting replaced, new art hung in lobby and elevator lobbies | 2013 |
Domestic Hot Water Boiler Replacement | Two flash boilers installed, upgrades in associated plumbing, related electrical work, removal of old boilers and plumbing | 2010 |
Stairwell Door Replacement | All stairwell doors for both stairwells replaced with fire rated doors | 2010 |
Cooling Tower Replacement | Roof top cooling tower replaced, spring isolators installed to reduce roof vibration | 2010 |
Fire Alarm System Replacement | New fire alarm panel, pull stations, horn/strobes, smoke detectors, heat detectors, annunciator panel | 2004 |
Flashing Installation | Recaulked and added flashing to 06 tier windows | 2003 |
Roof Deck Replacement | Roof deck redesigned and replaced, modular design so can be taken apart and put back after next roof replacement | 2003 |
Roof Replacement | Roof slope redesigned and roof replaced | 2002 |
Elevator Cab Replacement | Elevators completely replaced including converting the manual elevator to an automatic passenger cab | 1991 |